Slow Walk Illustrated Guide


Around Zentsuji City

Former Headquarters of the 11th Infantry Brigade (Nogikan)

kyurikugundai11shidanshireibu nogikan


It is a Western-style building based on Renaissance style and was completed in 1898. Its appearance in the distance among the rows of hollywood junipers differentiate it from other buildings in the site, and shows dignity and austerity of the headquarters. On the occasion of the prince’s (later Emperor Showa) visit, a carriage porch was added to the front, and the whole appearance still remains the same today. It is now named Nogikan where the visitors can take a look at the office of General Nogi, the first general of the Brigade, and makes visitors feel the atmosphere of the Meiji period’s structures.

Designated Section




2-1-1 Minami-machi, Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture